Legal Notice
Bluebell Capital Partners Limited (“Bluebell”) was until 31 December 2024 authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FRN843766. Bluebell is registered with Companies House, England and Wales (company number 11979011) and its registered office address is 30 Orange Street, London, WC2H 7HF.
Bluebell did not have permission to deal with retail investors and dealt only with professional investors only. In any case this website is provided for information purposes only, and it is not an offer to, or solicitation of, any potential clients or investors for the provision by Bluebell of investment management, advisory or any other comparable or related services. No statement contained on this website should be construed as investment, legal, or tax advice, nor is any statement an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any security or other instrument, or an offer to arrange any transaction, or to enter into legal relations. Additionally, the information contained expresses no views as to the suitability of the investments described herein to the individual circumstances of any recipient. If an offer to sell investments is made in the future, it will be subject to information circulated by Bluebell at the time in a formal prospectus or equivalent document and not on the basis of the information contained on this website.
Finally, Bluebell does not intend to make the Fund or any services available to U.S. Persons. In this context, a “U.S. Person” is a person who is in either of the following two categories: (a) a person included in the definition of “U.S. person” under Rule 902 of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or (b) a person excluded from the definition of a “Non-United States person” as used in CFTC Rule 4.7. Interests in the Fund will be subject to restrictions on transferability and resale and generally may not be transferred or resold in the United States or to any U.S. Person. Accordingly, this document is not intended for distribution to U.S. Persons.